
Our first Aurora add-in, which also works on Vail

Looks like our first Aurora add-in has shown its head!  the AWIECO RemoteLauncher.  If you want to try add-ins, then go ahead and try this one out.

The AWIECO RemoteLauncher add-in for Small Business Server "Aurora" and Windows Home Server "Vail" Beta Refresh is a free and useful add-in, which gives you more administrative possibilities to manage your SBS or WHS remotely. With this add-in you have access to predefined System Tools like


  • Windows Explorer
  • Command line
  • Event Viewer
  • Services
  • Control Panel
  • Computer Manager
  • Device Manager
  • Registry Editor
  • Task Manager
on your Small Business or Home Server directly over the Dashboard. If you need other tools and applications to run over the Dashboard, you can simply add them by a right mouse click. Through this add-in, you can start applications installed on your Server from your client.

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