
Engine Yard Cloud Out Loud S01E12: Mike Wolfe

This week on Cloud Out Loud, our own Marcy Campbell interviews her longtime friend, serial entrepreneur Mike Wolfe. Mike’s disruptive new startup, ccLoop, is set to revolutionize the way you manage your email. Check out TechCrunch’s recent article to learn more about Mike’s new business (still in stealth mode).

We love to give entrepreneurs the opportunity to talk about their business philosophies. We’ve heard a lot of interesting theories about entrepreneurship, but Mike’s characterization of it as an innate compulsion is particularly interesting. Seemingly, some people are just born to hop from startup to startup sowing the seeds of success.

Mike is the quintessential modern businessman–a big-picture guy who loves to solve problems (and who knows how to navigate Silicon Valley). For all you would-be CEO’s out there, Mike’s advice is indispensable. Check it out now!

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